Acupuncturist Linwood specializing in detoxification therapy are particularly interested in addressing the drug and alcohol addiction problem in their respective communities. They are equipped with pertinent historical information on how they are resolved based on auricular acupuncture therapy and use this treatment a complementary natural treatment to currently used therapies such as focused self help groups and addiction counseling.
The information below can also clear up the reason why acupuncture can be one of the alternative health options that can be unified with the already existing counseling centers or conventional drug and alcohol programs. However, we ought to consider this suggestion objectively without prejudice and with an open mind given the social and economic dilemma the present drug problem has vexed this country.
In Europe and America, there are hundreds of detoxification programs that follow the methods used by doctors at New York’s Lincoln Hospital, where every day, 250 addicts are treated with auricular acupuncture. The principle underlying this therapy is the belief that the human body can be activated by stimulating acupoints on the auricle or outer ear. Doctors have noticed that craving and withdrawal symptoms wane within minutes of auricular acupuncture therapy. Equally noticed is a meaningful decrease in hostility and panic typically observed in drug-rehab settings – transformations that make addicts more willing to undergo counseling.
This is not to say acupuncture is a cure all. It just implies that it’s a very good complement to counseling.
The NADA or National Acupuncture Detoxification Association was established by medical specialists and practitioners in 1985 who wished to propagate the modalities used in Lincoln Hospital into other treatment environments. Acupuncturists specializing in detoxification therapy follow protocols set by the NADA that are widely recognized in the realm of drug dependency. Today, in many areas of the US and Canada, acupuncture is considered a legitimate primary health care specialty.
American specialists in the field of chemical dependency in both the criminal justice system and private sector have expressed interest in NADA related programs especially programs used in the Lincoln Hospital. The integration of an acupuncture element to a currently used program offers an inexpensive way to provide outpatient therapy to a majority of drug addicts, whilst boosting the efficacy of current detoxification programs.
Irrespective of the substance abused and the treatment setting, auricular acupuncture has shown to work well in the detoxification of a patient. It achieves this by promoting the process of elimination in the main organs of the body, which helps accelerate the removal of toxins in the body. Auricular acupuncture offers the patient a sense of serenity and calmness and enhances their mental clarity and their capacity to focus. This promotes a better receptivity to counseling.
As gleaned in the explosion of drug-related problems in the past few decades such as a rising number of mental health problems, criminal offenses, and HIV infections, standard assisted western substance abuse therapy will only be effective if the patient remains in treatment for a long time; unfortunately, few patients are willing to wait that long. Long term follow-up research work has concluded that even long term therapy eventually leads to low rates of success.
While auricular acupuncture has much to offer, based on my three decades of dealing with substance abuse, the best approach is to detoxify the patient with auricular therapy combined with counseling, EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique, Chinese herbal medicine, qigong and Chi healing.