PCOS or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is basically due to an imbalance in the female hormones of a woman. Symptoms such as infertility, facial hair, acne, blood sugar irregularity, and irregular menstruation can come about from this condition. More the 50% of all PCOS sufferers are overweight women, which mean part of the treatment for this problem is the changing of the diet of the sufferer.
Treating PCOS
Acupuncture has proven to be very effective for the treatment of PCOS. Most of the time, it is combined with an implementation of dietary therapy. Acupuncture works for PCOS because it has the ability to bring back hormonal balance in the body and boost blood circulation to the uterine lining and the ovaries. Progesterone and estrogen are the most affected hormones during PCOS and so one of the aims of acupuncture is to restore harmony to these hormones. Improving blood flow is also crucial since blood conveys nutrients, oxygen, electrolytes and hormones to the uterus and ovaries. The proper circulation of blood also makes it easy for the body to remove dead cells, debris and toxins from its system. And since acupuncture increases blood flow to certain parts of the body, it can help balance and harmonize imbalanced hormones as well.
For you to get the best possible results, dietary changes need to be enforced during your acupuncture treatment. Diet therapy can help treat the symptoms, reverse your condition and prevent the reoccurrence of PCOS. Certain studies show that PCOS may be due to endocrine dysfunction and/or insulin resistance. There are medical researchers who argue that a high level of Insulin can lead to a higher production of androgen by the ovaries. A proper lifestyle and diet change can result in a quick positive change of your condition.
No one knows why polycystic ovarian syndrome really occurs. However, if you have a family member who has PCOS, the chances for you developing it are high. Scientists have suggested that there is a direct link between PCOS and insulin resistance. Our pancreas is the organ that produces insulin which is needed by the body to metabolize sugar. If you have insulin resistance, your body does not use insulin as efficiently as it should which causes the pancreas to produce and secrete more insulin to regulate blood sugar leading to insulin overabundance in the bloodstream. The extra insulin in the body may be one reason for PCOS that causes the ovaries to manufacture large amounts of androgens.
From a Western Medicine point of view, PCOS can have many treatment approaches. The type of treatment chosen will be based on the health concerns of that patient. One of these treatments include drugs in the form of birth control pills to normalize the level of androgens in your body and regulate the hormones. One popular drug for PCOS symptoms is Metformin. It helps bring down the levels of insulin which can help restore proper ovulation and menstruation. To help you ovulate, Clomid can be prescribed. That is if you want to get pregnant since it can help induce ovulation. Another option is surgery. This can be considered only after all options have been tried without success.
Keeping your weight in check, exercising and eating a low carb diet are good ways to prevent or overcome PCOS. Obesity more often than not leads to insulin resistance as does eating a diet filled with simple carbohydrates or a diet that is high in fat.
PCOS is one condition Chinese Medicine can easily treat. Both Chinese herbs and acupuncture can help normalize your period and relieve a lot of the unpleasant symptoms related to PCOS. Chinese medicine can also be used if you want to get pregnant easily.
Christina Prieto is an Orlando acupuncturist, a certified Yoga instructor and the founder of Harmony Wellness center in central Florida.