There are about a million people in the United States suffering from Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s disease. These people experience urgency and pain, and frequent diarrhea, as well as stomach pain, cramping, bloody stools, and intestinal bleeding. Acupuncture and other aspects of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) have been utilized to treat these symptoms for more than three thousand years.
Traditional Chinese Medicine
TCM sees the body as a complicated web of interconnected channels and organs. These channels are vessels of energy that convey substances and vital energy known as qi throughout the body. When vital energy moves freely and is sufficient, the body experiences wellness and health; illnesses arise when an imbalance(s) exist in the body. Diet and acupuncture can rectify the imbalance that causes ulcerative colitis and Crohn’ and help heal the body.
To determine the specific imbalance generating the illness, the acupuncturist asks the patient about symptoms such as the number of bowel movements, and presence of pain and blood in his/her stools. Oftentimes, the causes of colitis and Crohn’s are heat, dampness, stagnation and qi deficiency.
A qualified acupuncturist in West Orange provides a unique type of treatment for each of his patients since each of them have their own unique constitution and symptoms. The objectives of the treatment differ and are determined upon the patient’s status (i.e. if he/she is in remission or in an in an exacerbation). These objectives usually entail the promotion of appetite, and the reduction of inflammation, diarrhea, and pain. Oftentimes included in acupuncture treatment is moxibustion, which the burning of a moxa plant very near the skin to heat important acupuncture points. This is to enhance the effect of the treatment. Usually a treatment course may involve a total of four to ten treatment sessions done one or two times a week.
Modern Research
Recent studies have suggested that traditional acupuncture can be a very effective and safe adjunct therapy to conventional treatment for Crohn’s disease. One particular study reveals acupuncture’s ability to improve general well-being, symptoms, and the quality of life of a person suffering from colitis or Crohn’s. Furthermore, in groups treated with acupuncture, the intestinal enzymes were lowered which help improve the individual’s condition.
Dietary Recommendations
Diet is one very important aspect in TCM management of colitis and Crohn’s. The keys to the TCM diet are variety and balance which include cooked vegetables, moderate portions of protein, and easily digested carbohydrates. People suffering from colitis and Crohn’s tend to have easily irritated intestines. Therefore, in order to prevent this from arising, it is important to eat foods that are easily digestible. Hot spices, nuts, raw vegetables should never be eaten. This does not mean removing vegetables altogether from the diet; instead they should be cooked and served as stew, steamed dish, or stir fry. Moreover, the eating of harder cooked meats, such as steak, needs to be lessened during remission and avoided during exacerbation. Eating thinly sliced stir fried meats and stews are recommended instead.
The eating of white rice is actually is ideal for patients suffering from IBD (irritable bowel disease). White rice is very digestible and can help improve digestion. Oatmeal that is well cooked in lots of water can be an excellent breakfast food for a sufferer of IBD. Really hot spicy foods should be avoided since it can adversely affect the intestinal wall and aggravate “heat” condition. An acupuncturist can recommend to you what foods are ideal to eat for your condition.