Anxiety and acupuncture Fort Lauderdale are the perfect partners a person must have if you are looking for alternative ways in dealing with anxiety disorders. Living with anxiety can be quite a challenge. It oftentimes pushes a person beyond his/her normal abilities. It presses the person to face a scary situation in which most of the time the person flees.
If you are currently undergoing prescription medications and you feel its devastating side effects, you should be considering into acupuncture as an alternative treatment. Acupuncture is good if not the best alternative medication for anxiety disorders for many reasons.
Traditional Chinese medicine deems that there oneness and connection in all things. Similarly, there is a close association of the mind and body. If a person is ill and always anxious, or just simply feeling bad and having a terrible day, there is a problem with his mind. Anxiety in the accustomed eastern medicines is viewed as some imbalance of energy flow inside a person’s body. There are certain pathways in the body that are blocked because of constant negative thinking. By puncturing their specific location in the body with the use of acupuncture needles, the energy balance can be regained. Thus, a person feels relaxed and rejuvenated.
Going into the specifics of acupuncture, the basic energy unit called chi is the fundamental energy source everyone is dependent on. This energy known as chi flows thru twelve separate yet interconnected channels in the human body. The needles are injected on the area where these channels intersect in order to stop the blockage of energy in the body. Once this is done, the person feels a lot better than the previous agitated stage.
Conventionally, anxiety is always medicated with prescriptions. In the United States alone, there are an estimated number of 20,000 practitioners and professional doctors who integrate acupuncture in their medical practice. Further, many physicians and practitioners of alternative medicine believe that the truth lies within the self. This means there is no silver bullet for medicating and treating anxiety. Drugs and other forms of intervention will not be successful as long as the person does not fully cooperate and actively works on his anxiety at all levels.
Acupuncture for anxiety does not only heal the anxiety itself but the underlying causes of the disorder. It tries to identify and hit the right spot of the body that causes a person to be anxious. For instance, one common cause of anxiety and depression is lack of serotonin. Acupuncture stimulates the body to produce more serotonin in the body. Also, it reroutes the stress pathways making the person more calm and serene.