Acupuncture should be a relatively pain-free experience. There are times where the initial insertion will be felt by the patient, but there is never an occasion where the patient should be in pain through the duration of the treatment. Acupuncture can cause dull ache, heaviness, tingling, heat, and increased sensation around the area needled. Almost always, these sensations are accompanied by a deep quality of relaxation and tranquility. Acupuncture Palm Harbor should be a relaxing experience. In fact, this is one of its therapeutic benefits. There are many patients who felt so relaxed after treatment that they had to drink some water and ‘get their bearings’ before they were permitted to leave my office. This deep relaxation tends to stay with the patient longer through successive treatments. Most acupuncturists view this as a measurable sign of progress. These therapies are often sufficiently powerful to replace the acupuncture. Many patients feel an initial apprehension, but are shocked by how little they feel upon needle insertion.
Unfortunately there are many acupuncturists who only practice on a part-time basis and treat Chinese medicine like a hobby. You should seek out the services of someone who has extensive experience in treating your condition and your practitioner should have a deep commitment to continued education and practice.
Most patients that seek acupuncturists for chronic health problems plan on committing to treatment once a week for 4-6 treatments. At this time, we will assess for progress and discuss where to go from there. Within that period of time, acupuncturists would expect that their symptoms are showing signs of definite improvement and that their general health is markedly better. If someone has extremely chronic and severe symptoms, it is not uncommon for me to see them weekly for 10 visits. It is encourage having the body to heal over a period of time, as excessively rapid progress can put the body into a state of shock. If something has accumulated over a period of years, it is only natural that it will take some time to unravel the condition and heal it at its foundation. While no therapy can help everyone, clinical experiences shows approximately 80% of the patients undergo noticeably positive changes through their course of treatment. Compliancy is an important factor in treatment progress.