Behavioral therapy and medication are the usual modes of treatment for ADHD

The capacity to focus and tune out distraction can be a challenge for anyone. For ADHD sufferers, however, (children and adults alike), this can be a daunting task.

Behavioral therapy and medication are the usual modes of treatment for ADHD. Now, however, we have an alternative type of therapy with ancient origins that can effectively alleviate ADHD symptoms. This therapy is acupuncture. A Mayo clinic study done recently showed that 7.5% of school-age children do suffer from ADHD. The symptoms often differ from child to child.

There are those who have difficulty focusing while some may suffer from hyperactivity, impulsivity, and distractibility. Conventional medicine sees ADHD as some type of a brain chemistry dysfunction. Traditional Chinese medicine, on the other hand, considers ADHD as a dysfunction of certain organ systems that causes the brain to malfunction in the process.

Acupuncture is considered by some western physicians to be a viable complementary therapy for ADHD. In fact, acupuncture has indeed been used for over 20 years as a form of complementary medicine for this condition. Acupuncture is a great complementary treatment for nutritional plans and behavioral therapy. It is based on the belief that the energy in the body known as qi flows unobstructed when a person is healthy; when its flow is blocked or stagnates, sicknesses and pain may arise.

Acupuncture involves the Insertion of hair-thin needles into the skin at certain points in the body to bring back the patient’s normal flow of qi. When the acupuncturist balances qi or energy of the organ systems in the body, the chemistry of the brain then is able to adjust into a much better way.

Acupuncture can help soothe the disruptive quality of ADHD and it can also relieve or lessen the side effects of the drugs used to relieve ADHD symptoms.

A lot of young ADHD patients will exhibit distractibility as well as impulsivity and social anxiety. These symptoms are not uncommon in children with this condition. ADHD is often seen along with other physical and emotional conditions such as facial tics, depression or anxiety. Since acupuncture is a very effective treatment for depression and anxiety, it can then also be a powerful therapy for ADHD.

Besides coaching, nutritional services, therapy and testing, acupuncture can be considered one of the better ways of addressing ADHD if combined with the other aforementioned modalities. It can be a good option for parents with ADHD children who do not want their child take those really dangerous ADD/ADHD medications.

Some ADHD patients who have tried medications have discovered that they don’t work. Many of them tried acupuncture instead. Acupuncture therapy for ADHD may oftentimes not bring immediate results but when their benefits are felt, it can provide the patient with the safest, most effective, long-term and biggest relief from his/her symptoms.

Some patients though have experienced immediate results from acupuncture. They notice that they have begun to speak differently, their attitude changes for the better and they feel more relaxed and subdued. Some of these patients are given questions relating to their health and emotional and physical well being. The feedback is most of the time positive in terms of the improvement of their overall physical and emotional health.

One particular acupuncture procedure commonly used to treat ADHD is auricular or ear acupuncture. Before the treatment, however, the acupuncturist will monitor the pulse of the patient. After that, treatment will usually entail inserting of extremely thin acupuncture needles into the patient’s ears. Then, if needed, needles may also be inserted into the feet, legs, hands and arms of the patient. Ear acupuncture is usually performed in children than body acupuncture.

Acupuncture is able to calm the impulses that make it very difficult for the ADHD sufferer to stay still. It may also help enhance the energy of the patient that can resolve the sluggishness usually seen in ADD sufferers and hyperactivity usually manifested in people with ADHD. Acupuncture can also boost the patient’s immune system and improve his/her concentration.

Although being a new way to help manage ADHD, acupuncture is really a promising treatment for this condition. It may have scanty proof of its benefits but for a lot of ADD/ADHD sufferers acupuncture has made a huge difference in their lives. Acupuncture does help alleviate the typical side effects of drugs that can include dry mouth, sleeplessness and appetite suppression.

Eastern Healing Solutions, LLC
10875 Grandview Dr #2250
Overland Park, KS 66210
Phone: (913) 549-4322