A lot of individuals coming in acupuncture clinics often inquire whether acupuncture can be a good form of treatment for blood conditions such as anemia. Acupuncturists state that Chinese herbal concoctions and acupuncture are the two oldest therapies that have been used for thousands of years to treat anemia and its symptoms like pale complexion, weakness and fatigue. Modern western medicine states that anemia is, in fact, the most widespread blood disorder and in severe cases can lead to shortness of breath and palpitations.
Modern scientific studies have revealed that acupuncture does indeed lower TIBC or Total Iron Binding Capacity, which is the measurement of the capacity of the body to bind iron, and at the same time improve the serum ferratin. These simply mean that acupuncture does indeed help treat anemia.
The conductors of the study utilized just a single acupuncture point called the 3 leg mile or hsu san li, in Chinese. The 3 leg mile point has been used throughout the ages to strengthen the person in a manner that his/her body could still walk an extra three miles after a whole day of walking. This acupuncture point has the capacity to also boost the function of the spleen.
In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), there is a belief that the abdomen takes in the food while the spleen processes it. As the right acupuncture points are stimulated, they can enhance nutrient absorption and therefore, iron absorption. The 3 leg mile point can address all the symptoms related to anemia such as shortness of breath, palpitations, paleness and fatigue.
Of course, the patient’s diet also needs to be rectified but acupuncture can be the catalyst to better the digestion process and the absorption of the food the patient eats.
It is not just the insertion of needles in the arm or leg that acupuncture is all about. Certain anatomical sites and sensitive pressure points exist in the body that the trained and licensed acupuncturist is aware of prior to inserting needles. These needles are of various thicknesses and lengths and are used based on the kind of effect the acupuncturist aims to attain.
After a needle is inserted, the acupuncturist may utilize certain several techniques of stimulation in which the needle is lifted up and down a number of times or manipulated in particular directions.
The aforementioned study entailed the use of certain needling thrust and lift procedures to bring about energy stimulation of the acupuncture point to maximize its strengthening capacity. Patients usually complain that iron supplements cause them constipation. Furthermore, the underlying reason for the anemia needs to be treated for the treatment to result in balance and longer lasting health.
Chinese herbal therapy and acupuncture are powerful modalities to help improve the absorption of nutrients that can help resolve the symptoms of anemia.
Ni Nan Gilbert is a licensed acupuncturist in Bellmore, NY with certification in Chinese Herbology and over 16 years experience in traditional Chinese medicine.