A simple skin test may be what you need to know the cause of your acne. However, there are different types of skin tests for different types of acne.
Hormonal Assessment
This is one acne test that tests for female and male hormones. Stress hormones are also assessed through the acne stress test to determine if the body is experiencing high levels of stress which may have facilitated the rise of acne. Some acne tests that may be done are for the studying of levels of thyroid and estrogen hormones. Some physicians will create an adrenocortex stress profile for the patient which shows the reaction of the patient’s body to stress. This profile will record the balance of DHEA and cortisol in the patient’s body which may vary from time to time due to problems in the menstrual cycle or excessive weight of the patient. The constant variation of this profile can also be a sign of the patient developing a cardiovascular disorder.
Stool Test
A stool test is done to determine whether parasites and bacteria reside in the patient’s body which can amplify the risk of acne. This test studies the food absorption function of the digestive system as well as the balance of yeast and bacteria in the patient’s body.
Allergy Test
This is a test done to determine your allergic reactions to environmental factors and to food.
Acne Diagnosis
As mentioned before, diagnosis of acne can be done simply from a physical examination of the patient. There are cases, however, of severe acne that warrants specific hormonal tests done by an endocrinologist. For a thorough diagnosis, the doctor will need to review the medical history of the patient where the doctor will see if the patient had before suffered from past skin diseases.
The doctor also needs to consider the patient’s diet and see whether the acne has been triggered by unhealthy food choices. The doctor also needs to appraise the severity of the patient’s acne to make the proper diagnosis and thus the proper treatment. Diagnosis must also include whether or not the acne is inflammable or if any skin discoloration has ensued or if the acne was derived (or not) from a certain medical condition.
The doctor often focuses on the skin area of the patient where the sebaceous gland is highly concentrated. More often than not that would be the back, chest, shoulder, upper arms, neck and face.
Daniel Haun is a licensed acupuncture practitioner and the clinical director of Bailey & Haun Acupuncture in Oceanside, CA.