The titans at the last Olympics have never failed to amaze. We are smitten with admiration, wonder, and awe for the unbelievable levels of sustained laser focus, brutal training, and genius-level skills shown by those who ascended to Olympian heights. And then there are individuals like Usain Bolt, Simone Biles, Katie Ledecky, Michael Phelps, and other demigods, who you could not convince me as having been born on this planet. Something seems suspicious, and I pray Donald Trump will be asking questions soon, who have raised suspicions about these ubermenschen personalities who installed themselves among us mere mortals.
With regard to Michael Phelps, we need to ask a question: “What are those round bruise-like marks on his back?” A bit of research shows that Michael might be into some kind of alternative, New Age traditional integrative Chinese medicine stuff.
Is cupping therapy just a fad that has been thrust into the spotlight by sports and movie celebrities such as Michael Phelps and Gwyneth Paltrow? Or is there really something to it that make these stars bold enough to seriously display it on their bodies and make them healthy and strong?
According to Chinese medicine, cupping therapy enhances the flow circulation of a person’s life force in the body through the suction of heated glass bowls administered to the skin. Why do many American Olympians and other Olympic athletes flaunt their cups on prime time world TV if they’re not sure cupping really works? Surely, they have been using this ancient procedure long before the start of the Olympics simply for the fact that it truly works. Now this is hardly considered as a form of pseudoscience on the part of these people. The showing of cupping marks on winners conferred an air of legitimacy on potentially harmful and baseless therapies-all of it seared into the consciousness of gullible adults and impressionable children. I could care less.
Cupping therapy actually has no scientific or medical basis and it can cause injuries, many times resulting in infections and burns.
Olympic Superstitions
Has anyone noticed the indicators of irrational oral statements during interviews? No, I’m not talking about the hundred signs of the cross prior to or after events, (as if God would really prefer one over simply because that individual performed that gesture oftentimes, done hastily in an irreverent way) or the pointing of the fingers in the air as if a deity in the sky was watching the event or other signs that sports competitors believe and rely upon in West Orange acupuncture , cupping, homeopathy, and kinesiology tape.
Cupping basically involves the sticking of heated glass bulbs or suction cups on your skin. Olympic athletes sated they use cupping to alleviate soreness and pain so that they can do whatever they wanted cupping to do for them like run or swim faster, stay cooler, jump higher, or balance their chi and chakras. And the good thing about is that it works no matter whether they believe in it or not.
Aside from the ancient Chinese, it appears certain North American natives have used cupping therapy, as did Egyptians thousands of years ago. At one time, it was part of bloodletting that might now be considered as another type of alternative therapy that might make a comeback one of these days, if a Deepak, Dr. Oz, celebrity, or movie star recommends it.
Cupping therapy aside, there’s nothing but appreciation and wonder for the amazing performances exhibited by practically all the athletes who participated competitors. These competitors are indeed terrific.