The Polyrachis Vicinia Aprhrodisiac Tonic

The Mayo Clinic of North America has revealed that Stress is the number clinically proven cause that targets the libido by releasing neuro-chemicals that all but reduce, and in some instances, totally destroy the libido.

The good news is that for men suffering from erectile dysfunction, there is help in today’s world. And the answers may be found in a creature that has been around for on earth for hundreds of centuries. You may think that this creature is some sort of mystical animal but it is not; in fact, it is just the lowly humble ant.

Ants in China have been utilized for more than two millennia by countless Emperors and Mandarin Kings as a form of tonic whose benefits include: enhanced strength, stamina, and energy. The tonic provided by the ant boosts physical and mental energy and strengthens the muscular system, the process of detoxification, digestive functions and the nervous system.

And we’re not talking about just any ant, the Polyrachis Vicinia is the specific ant we are interested in.

The Polyrachis Vicinia is an ant that has been utilized as an aphrodisiac for years by the most famous lovers in the world. Some even believed that even the greatest romantic lover in history, Casa Nova, exploited it in his never ending drive to sexually gratify women.

A study conducted on 200 males on the tonic produced from the essence extracted from the Polyrachis Vicinia showed that these males have reported a significant improvement in their sex life with no obvious adverse effects.

So if you think you’re suffering from erectile dysfunction, keep this article in mind and go online and search for the rare Polyrachis Vicinia tonic.

Asian Health Center
27059 Chardon Rd
Cleveland, OH 44143-1113
Phone: (440) 833-0983