There are still a lot of women who hear the word “acupuncture treatment for infertility” would get really anxious about this procedure. They probably imagine burning incense, zither music and dark zooms. At that point, they are probably imagining horrific mental pictures of needles being inserted into the skin. But there is absolutely no point in these kinds of stereotypes because acupuncture has been around for more than 4,000 years and it is already a common form of medical treatment in Europe and in the United States.
It is not a myth that acupuncture doesn’t hurt. During the treatment process, you wouldn’t feel a thing even as needles are inserted through your skin. The only common side effect being reported is slight bruising around the treated area.
To understand how acupuncture really works, you must look into it from Chinese Medical perspective. If channels of energy known as meridians are obstructed this will cause energy build up in some areas of the body while other areas are being deprived. Inserting needles on certain sites unblocks the obstructed sites. According to modern scientific theory, the needles inserted stimulate the nervous system to release chemicals into the muscles, brain and spinal cord thus allowing the body to heal itself.
How Miami Infertility Acupuncture Works
It never hurts to consider acupuncture since it can be helpful in times when conventional medicine is not. A founding member of the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture known as James K. Rochford finds that acupuncture helps almost 80 percent of people. Although there aren’t much specific data on infertility treatments, it is still sought after by many women and couples who want to conceive.
Women who can be good can candidates for fertility acupuncture are those have functional defects instead of structural defects for infertility. For example, women with damaged fallopian tubes are a structural defect therefore they are unlikely candidates. Men and women with functional defects who are trying to conceive can add acupuncture to their standard medical treatment. Probably around 10 visits with licensed acupuncturist will determine if the method can be helpful.
With acupuncture, it is advisable to take herbs and this is according to Dr. Rotchford. It is a practice in Chinese medicine that the acupuncturists will combine herbs to produce a definite effect. It is a fact that a lot of herbs can help cure infertility in both men and women. But just to be certain, herbs are tailored to the individual instead of the condition. It maybe hard to believe but acupuncture is growing more especially in terms of treating infertility.