Inflammation of the mucus membrane, commonly known as allergic rhinitis, plagues a lot of people during seasons that differ based on location. In certain regions, some people can suffer from hay fever at almost any time.
Besides the symptoms of intense sneezing and inflammation, allergic rhinitis can also affect the entire nervous system whilst the eyes become irritated and fever sets in.
Over-the-counter and commonly prescribed drugs can have side effects such as feelings of grogginess or dullness while basically merely masking symptoms. The fundamental dynamic of the immune system’s rejecting the pollen that is practically benign with long-term inflammation remains an unsolved enigma to Western conventional medicine.
Some natural-based health practitioners use homeopathic and natural herbal remedies to offset the symptoms of allergic rhinitis. However, these safe treatments are transitory and have to be given frequently. Apparently, TCM or Traditional Chinese Medicine offers perennial and seasonal cures with acupuncture.
There are patients who have tried acupuncture testify that their allergies were completely cured and thus have no reason to come back for a few more sessions of acupuncture. Some patients suffering from allergic rhinitis report of severe symptoms that no form of allergy treatment can address; when they tried acupuncture, these symptoms disappeared. Most of these testaments are anecdotal; and along comes Western medical science to cautiously validate what ordinary people already know.
Acupuncture Study on Allergic Rhinitis in Jacksonville
We need to understand that many European countries still widely utilize herbal therapies for allergy treatment like butterbur. A randomized acupuncture treatment for allergic rhinitis study conducted in Berlin showed that among 981 patients with allergic rhinitis 494 were assigned as the control group while 487 were randomly administered with acupuncture treatments.
All these patients can also use conventional medical treatments during the course of the three month study. The acupuncture group received a total of 15 acupuncture treatments. At the end of the study, the patients given acupuncture treatment had an RQLQ or Rhinitis Quality of Life Questionnaire that scored three times higher than the control group.
The quality of life index of the acupuncture patients was also much better than the control group with certain qualifications – the scores were a little lower during follow-up tests six months after the end of the study.
Another study involving a much larger number of participants who were given acupuncture for allergic rhinitis on their own without being specifically grouped for this randomized trial was observed as part of a much larger epidemiological study and showed similar results.
These two studies suggest that along with standard care, additional acupuncture treatments in the treatment of allergic rhinitis leads to persistent and clinically relevant benefits.
How Allergic Rhinitis is Resolved with Acupuncture
Traditional Chinese Medicine does not see anything mysterious about people having allergic reactions to normally benign elements as pollens. Practitioners of these ancient medical traditions pursue the underlying causes with acupuncture, herbs, and diet. Since Qi or chi energy is a very important foundation of TCM, practitioners look at dealing with esoteric qualities such as dampness and wind.
They are also able to determine the deficiencies in chi associated with various organs. Allergic rhinitis patients usually suffer from spleen and lung chi deficiencies. As an adjunct to acupuncture, herbs can be included which alone, provides immediate results.
NAET (Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique) is the most recent acupuncture innovation treatment that can achieve complete allergy remissions .
This technique was invented by Dr. Devi Nambudripad. He first determined the specific allergens then used acupuncture techniques to treat their effects while the patients were exposed to the allergens.
The NAET reconfigures the body to accept those allergens without causing the immune system to over respond that causes the allergic reactions and the hay fever. The results are usually long term, practically curing the person’s allergy.