TCM As A Cure For the Flu and Colds

Would you believe that for thousands of years, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been used as a cure for the flu and the common cold?

Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture have no equal in their effectiveness at addressing flu and the cold. TCM can cure, or if not, at least, minimize the huge impact that the symptoms of the cold and the flu bug have on the health of a person.

In the United States and Canada, the common cold is the number one most prevalent ailment with low back pain coming a distant second. Because of a lack of information, most Americans are unaware that TCM has a cure for the common cold.

The best result of cold and flu treatment is accomplished if treatment is administered during the early stages of the illness. Whether it be congestion, cough, sore throat, headache, fevers, and chills, the longer one dallies to have his/her infection treated, the more time is required to make the pathogen disappear. When addressing the symptoms of flu or cold, the outcomes more often than not is more dramatic if treatment is initiated at the earliest stage of the illness.

TCM antibacterial and antiviral herbs are utilized in much the same way as prescription antibiotics that western doctors recommend to their patients. These herbs have a diaphoretic quality that helps remove the virus and flu out of the body. Herbal remedies can help neutralize the inflammation and infection that the bug causes. Various types of herbal formulas for different kinds of pathogen are available that can be used along with acupuncture to cure/treat cold or flu infection.

The Common Cold, Flu and Acupuncture

The TCM modalities of moxibustion, gua sha, and acupuncture can offer prompt alleviation of cold symptoms and aid the body in removing the pathogen in a much faster way. Stuck into acupoints where affected meridians located underneath are located are reed-thin acupuncture needles which have the capacity to stimulate the brain and nervous system to alleviate flu and cold symptoms and relieve pain. A lot of patients have experienced fast relief of their ailment with TCM.

Turn Around Time for Common Cold and Flu

Ordinarily, one to a couple of sessions of acupuncture plus a one week treatment of herbal therapy is all that is needed to cure colds. Early detection of the symptoms and immediate treatment of the cold infection using herbal medicine and acupuncture is enough to kill the bug after a day or two.

The immune system (natural defenses) of the body is considerably boosted and the recovery period is speeded with acupuncture. This treatment is often combined with dietary modifications and herbal therapy to achieve long lasting and fast results. Chinese herbs are potent enough to kill both bacteria and viruses, clear symptoms, and remove the pathogen out of the body while at the same time boosting the immune system.
Traditional Chinese Medicine-Style Prevention for Flu

Starting a regulated system of Chinese herbs that strengthen the immune system can lead to the prevention of illness in the future.

Where Modern Medicine Fails TCM Succeeds

The success of TCM in treating the flu, common cold, and similar conditions depend on the nature of the medicine itself. Whereas conventional western modalities use antibiotics to control symptoms and kill germs, they are not designed to address viral infections. The main concern of TCM, on the other hand, is to maintain a healthy balance within the body in relation to the external environment. When this is attained, the body’s resistance to diseases will be strong enough to prevent the body from catching flu or a cold. All people are exposed to viruses most of the time and the people who get sick often suffer from an imbalance, have allergies, are over-fatigued, or are under a great deal of stress.

Chinese herbs and acupuncture can treat or help prevent flu and cold due to the fact that they fortify the immune system, and maintain or restore the balance of energy in the body. People who go for regular acupuncture treatments rarely get sick. Chinese medicine and acupuncture can help those who suffer from flu or cold to recover rapidly.

We are all subjected to the flu virus almost every day but only a small percentage of us actually get sick from it. In TCM, the reason for this is that we fall into sickness when our body is in a weakened state, or we suffer from a certain internal imbalance which leads to a weakening of our immune system. Because of this we become vulnerable to health issues. To remedy the state of weakness, we need to improve our resistance in a natural way.

The Immune System is Enhanced with Acupuncture

Regular acupuncture treatments strengthen our immune system by upgrading the protective energy that prevents us from contracting flu and colds.

If you have been suffering from a cold for a week or more, you need Chinese herbs and acupuncture to help prevent the infection from infiltrating the lungs and exhausting your energy.

During the flu season or the transition of the seasons, you can receive regular acupuncture treatments as a prophylactic form of treatment. Prevention is a very important aspect of health maintenance. If you are prone to colds, acupuncture can help increase the white blood cell count in your body to help neutralize the infection. Lastly, if everyone around you is getting sick with the flu or cold or if you feel a scratchy throat or light aches in the body and other subtle indications of an onset of a cold infection you need to receive Chinese herbs and acupuncture immediately.

TCM for the Flu
Two to three herbal formulas can be prescribed by your acupuncturist if you manifest the symptoms of flu. The number of herbs may vary depending on the stage of the sickness you are presently in and what type of flu infection bug you caught. Your acupuncturist needs to first diagnose the kind of imbalance you have. This is followed by herbal treatment for one day to two weeks depending on how severe your symptoms are. The number of acupuncture of treatments may likewise vary although usually one two sessions are good enough.

Ni Nan Gilbert is a licensed acupuncturist in Bellmore, NY with certification in Chinese Herbology and over 16 years experience in traditional Chinese medicine.