Acupuncture massage is a combination of two great words. By definition, acupuncture is a Traditional Chinese Medicine Technique that uses the method of inserting needles into specific acupuncture points in the body. These acupuncture points are known to be the yin and yang of the body. Massage, on the other hand, is the application of structured tension, vibration, motion or pressure to the soft tissues of the body like the muscles, tendons, joints, connective tissues and lymphatic vessels to achieve a beneficial response. This method can be achieved manually, mechanically or by the use of electrical aids.
So the question is what exactly does Acupuncture Massage mean? Acupuncture Massage is the method of applying structured tension or pressure to specific parts of the body without the use of needles. This form of therapy is relatively used to heal injury, manage pain, relieve physiological stress and improve blood circulation. The application of massage to precise points can achieve the most benefits in just a short period of time.
How Acupuncture Massage Works on the Body
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the term used to describe the vital energy in the body is the Chi or Qi in some books. If the balance of Chi is disrupted, this could result to pain and illnesses, meaning there is a poor flow or there is blockage of Chi. With the use of acupuncture, it tries to modify the activities of one or maybe several of the body’s system of functions. It is believed that each acupuncture point is connected to each organ in the body.
Applying massage to specific acupuncture points will release the blockage of Chi and help the body’s immune system continue its own physiologic defense against disease and illnesses. Some acupuncture points are easy to identify like the points of pain for neck pain, back pain and others.
There are probably 1000 acupuncture points found in the body, but having the knowledge of at least 10 or 20 acupuncture points can already help in remedying everyday problems. Of course it is a necessity that before engaging in any forms of alternative medicine, it is always best to consult a physician.
In order to achieve maximum benefits with acupuncture massage, one must learn the key to relaxation. Relaxation treats the body as a whole and it works to improve the function of several body systems like the physical body organs. This is the reason why acupuncture is good for the body.
Massaging acupuncture points is a definite way of unblocking the Chi. It will restore the body through the method of yin and yang. Plus with the combination of massage it can achieve total body relaxation.
Acupuncture massage can provide great results without suffering harmful side effects similar to surgery and medications. In fact, there are many conditions that are safer to treat with acupuncture massage then with medications.
As today’s technology is reaching high advancement, so are alternative forms of medicine. Advance techniques related to acupuncture are rising like the famous Acupressure and Electro Acupuncture. These are more advanced techniques created to restore the body’s energy and health and at the same time help in reducing pain.